Many are times that we have questions which need answers. But the problem is, we look for the answers in all the wrong places (in the world) where by, we don't get what we want and end up more frustrated with a thirst and hunger that cannot be quenched.
Amidst all this,the bible says in Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
You see, God's grace and Mercy will enable us to get what we do not deserve (forgiveness), they will also help us in our time of need and help us get the unmerited favor and the bestowal of blessing from God.
Please note that, you do not need healing, you need The Healer, you do not need provision, you need The Provider and you do not need direction, you need The Director.
You need JESUS, for He is the light on your paths, The water for your thirst, The bread for your hunger, The answer to your prayers and The Reason for your life.
Only Him.
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