‘But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.  2 Peter 3:8–9
This verse keeps me thinking a lot, how in the world do you compare a day to a thousand years? Lets see... What ratio can this be, 1:365,000? Hmmm... 
And why is God likened to the two? Doesn't Peter know how much apart these two are? Why does He show much value to this ONLY ONE DAY compared to the 365000 days? Isn't this just like a drop in the ocean?

Well... Yes, this is very true, but one thing I have come to learn is that God's interest is nothing close to ours, His thoughts are not ours, neither are His way ours. 
Our God is a God of multiplication, He takes what is so minute, despised and very humble and multiplies it to an infinity number. And this, is what He does best.
I think of the bible story of the four men with leprosy from 2Kings7:3 on wards... These men were destined to die sick, at the gate of the city for they were too weak to walk let alone go and fight the people in the town. 
But when they knew the place they were then (outside), was not a place they were born to be, they made up their minds to leave n go .

What amazes me, is How God multiplied their very slow, weak and painful steps into a very loud sound of chariots, horses and a great army such that the residents of the place freaked out and fled for their lives :) :)
I'd like to narrow this story to an individual perspective, so many times we have looked down on ourselves. We think that we don't have what it takes achieve that goal, to make it to that height or even to defeat the giant that is before us.  
But God desires that we be of good courage, that we go where He has sent us n do what He has told us, that we step out of our weakness n step into greatness, for He has promised to be with us, He has promised to strengthen us n He has promised to help us though it all.
Take courage and take that one step where God is leading you and He will for sure multiply it a thousand times. 
For Its time to Step Out :) 

