He hung there stripped, beaten, bleeding and in excruciating pain.

The shame of the cross was smeared all over Him.
His disciples and followers had forsaken Him as the people mocked Him.. "He saved others, why doesn't He save Himself?"
Darkness covered the face of the earth, the hope of his disciples was slowly fading away.
He was in so much agony, tired and thirsty, as He asked for water, they gave Him vinegar instead.

He looked at them from the cross, those who had forsaken Him, those who had betrayed him, those that crucified Him, them whom He had fed, healed and delivered, those that nailed him and He cried out... "Father Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing"
They gazed at Him as He hung on that tree for hours struggling to catch His breath, what would become of them ( His disciples) for the one whom they called savior, now, as it seemed, needed the saving.
He breathed his last and died.
Oh their hope was lost, they dispersed and went into hiding, how fast it was, that they forgot His teaching.
What they didn't know was that behind the scenes, There was a great exchange 🙌
The man who was put to shame would rise up on the third day and shame all His enemies
They thought they had finished him and His ministry.. little did they know that it was the work of the enemy that was actually finished, It was just the beginning of a great Revival.

Jesus had gone to come back with more Power and Glory.
His followers would now have hope in His Resurrection...
* That no more darkness would rule over the earth
* They would no longer live in the slavery of the enemy and of fear
* They would now be reconsiled with their Father in Heaven through grace by Faith in Jesus.
* They would no longer be condemned to die in sin but would now be saved through Jesus Christ.
* No more would they live like orphans but would have a helper (Holy Spirit) who will reveal the misteries of The Kingdom Of God and the will of the Father to them 🙌
At the cross was where it was all done, The great Exachange, The finished Work Of Christ to reconsile us with our Heavenly Father.
He died for us all, that those who accept His saving grace, would receive salvation and live in peace and in eternity.
This salvation is also there for you if you have not accepted Christ as your Lord and savior, He is waiting to receive you as His child, if you are there and you need salvation, please say this simple prayer , LORD JESUS I CONFESS THAT I AM A SINNER AND I NEED YOU TO SAVE ME, PLEASE FORGIVE ME OF ALL MY SINS AND CHANGE ME TO BE LIKE YOU, FROM THIS DAY ON, I WILL FOLLOW YOU AND WILL DO WHAT YOU TELL ME TO DO. AMEN.
If you made that prayer, congratulations you are now a child of God, Jesus and the entire Heaven are also celebrating with you, Please find a good bible believing church and grow in your faith and know God more.
As I conclude, I would like to remind us to always remember, that the great exchange happened because Jesus loved us so much that he was willing to exchange his life for us to have salvation.
May we live lives worthy of the salvation of Christ.
Blessings to you and your family as you celebrate Easter 🙏🙏
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