"Plz don't leave me God, plz  don't forsake me God. If you leave me, I cannot take it, I cannot go any where if you are not with me."

These (up there) are some of the phrases we like using in our walk with God. But can God leave us? Where does He go?  In which occasions does God leave? Stay with me...


A certain story is told of a man who was very faithful in his walk with God. There were times in his life he would face challenges and tough times (like all of us do) and there were times he was just okay, when life was all good with no rough patches or drama.

When this man's time on earth was over, he went to be with God, at His arms, comforted and at peace.

God then showed him a graph-like image to show him about his life on earth. On one column showing his good times while on the other it  showed his tough and hard times.

What amazed him was that he only saw the steps of two people during the time he was living a stress free life but when he was going through tough times, he only saw the steps of one person.

So he quickly asked God why He had deserted and left him to walk by himself when he needed Him the most.
God's reply was very simple, He told him, '' Those steps you see right there are not yours, they are mine, I understood that you could not withstand the challenges and so I was the one walking, I was the one who carried you, I was the one who took the pain and the weight on your behalf inorder for you to overcome the situation you were in.

God's answer just left him speechless.

More often, in the face of trials, temptations or challenges, we tend to think that God has forsaken us. But what is the truth? God says, I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. Period. Those are God's very own words.

And you may also ask, why do we sometimes feel distant from Him? Even Jesus on the cross felt abandoned didn't He?

The answer is also simple, as I said earlier, God will never leave, we are the ones who keep a distance between us and Him through our sins. As you know, God is HOLY and no (small amount of) sin can stand in His presence.

God remains to be where He is and who He is everywhere and in every time. He does not change, He is the same yesterday today and forever.

So anytime you feel God is distant from you, Plz ask yourself these two questions,

* Am I going through some tough times? If yes, then Know that God is right there with you, hearing you , giving you strength n carrying you to overcome that challenge and He will Never leave you.

* Am I the one who has distanced myself from God? If this is the case, then God desires a re-union with you, He loves and desires you to come back to His gentle arms, to His unending peace and His everlasting Love.

God will NEVER EVER Leave you nor forsake you, He will always be with you on your side and by your side in everything and through everything because He cares and Loves you unconditionally just the way you are.

Stay Blessed by His side :)
