Imagine, you are in a congregation, singing very Good Melodious Gospel music with all kinds of instruments, the beats and the rhythm are flowing just perfectly and you are enjoying every bit of it, The presence Of God is so much felt as you praise Him and everything is just as you want it to be. 

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Then Out of no where... A Black Out!!! A Devastating Black Out... The instruments go silent, the mics don't work, the systems are all quiet, The amplifier cannot project anything, the beautiful harmonious music stop, What do you do when there is no more sound, no more beats, No more rhythm to dance to? What do you do?

 I think of these songs.... When the music fades, and all is stripped away... A'll bring you more than a song, for a song in itself is not what you have required...

Another song…Oh clap your hands all ye people and Shout, Unto God…

And they resonate so much with my spirit. I realize that God is not so much interested in the sounds of the beat; He is not so much concerned with the Punch that comes out of the songs we play or hear. Neither is He interested in the most beautiful rhyming sounds... God's interest is far much Bigger than that.

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His interest is us, In our availability to worship Him, He's interested in how we use what we are and have (our life, hands, mouth, ears etc) to sincerely Praise Him when there is or is no beat at all, do we sincerely mean what we sing or say? Do we honestly do what we say when we sing to Honor Him? Or Are those just mare words in an ordinary song which we very well know and enjoy singing?

We should endeavor to make Him Happy and lift Him up through all that we do and say, because He created us to be His instruments, His workmanship, His Mouth, His Hands, His legs… while here on earth. We don’t exist for ourselves, we exist for Him and Him alone and He is so much interested in the sincerity of our hearts when we worship Him.

And  Plz don’t get me wrong, we very much need the instruments but they should not be our main focus in praise, they are instruments we use to enhance our praise but without them we can still praise our Heavenly Father.

Lets always remember that if we say we are praising Him, We should seek to lift Him and give Him all the glory and Apart from every other instrument, we are the Real Instruments Of praise… So let’s Praise Him… Praise Him in our lifestyles, in our situations, groups, institutions, different platforms, Praise him with our time resources and our whole being and as He is lifted up, He will definitely bring us up with Him.
