Jesus was in the boat, but He was asleep, when the storms came, the disciples were so terrified that the storm will wash them away and so they started calling on Jesus... (Luke 8:22-25) 

Mark you, they were not calling on Jesus because they were so full of faith in Him, no, they called on Jesus because they were afraid of the storm.. They were calling on Jesus from a place of despair.

You see, the disciples looked at the storm as a means to their distraction rather than Jesus as a means to their safety.

I mean, Jesus was with them in the boat, right? They were not alone.

And yes, they had previously seen Him do alot of miracles, What made them think that Jesus would allow them to perish at this time? 

After calming the storm, Jesus asked them this question.. Where is your Faith?

(I think in other words, we can define fear  as "having faith in the enemy")

Away from that, the Bible says that... Without Faith, it is impossible to please God.

We now understand why Jesus was disappointed by the disciples; Their faith was not in Jesus, their faith was in what the storm would do to them, in short, they had allowed their fear superceed their faith.

And just like the disciples, how many times have we found ourselves terrified by the storm, while we have Jesus on our boats?

Let's be sincere and think about the many times we were worried about tommorow, Worried that we would not see the light of the next day, the times we saw the problems around us bigger than the God we serve.

Think about it, Why do you call on Jesus? Why do you pray? Is it because of the fear in the inside of you or the faith that's inside you?

Jesus asked .. "Who by worring adds a day to their lives?" 

Don't we know the word of God says that "Whatever we ask in accordance to His will and believe that we have received it, it shall be ours" ... And because of faith, we shall say to a mountain move and it will move.

I believe that lack of faith is what keeps us from seeing the goodness of God, doubt and fear cripples us from doing the work of God.

God has called us to believe in Him and really grow in our faith.

We need to come out of fear, come out of sin, come out of being victims of the enemy and understand who we are!
We are free, forgiven and are the children of the most High God and because of that, He has given us authority, the keys are already in our hands. 

Let's please him today, let's go out and be representatives of the Kingdom of God, let's shine our light in our different capacities, let's use our faith in the middle of the storm and the storm will  be calm...

Blessings to you as you have your Faith in Jesus and Grow in it.
