A wise person once said, a good worker though equipped with bad tools tries to do a good job but a bad worker though he has good tools, blames the tools for doing a bad job.

Hye people, hope you are doing good, welcome to my blog, to start us off let's do some bible dig in the book of Mathew 25:14 -30.

It talks about the parable of the talents where, the master distributed his work proportionately to his workers and according to their strength.

After the working period, each worker, brought back their proceeds except the one with only one talent. He saw that his talent was better off hidden than being used. (How many of us see what God gives us is not good enough that we hide in our calling?)

You see, God has given each of us an assignment; some major, others light but this is in accordance to what we can handle... He knows exactly what He is doing and how much we each can take.

He just requires us to trust Him in the process and do exactly what is required of us.

In this time that many of us are confined to our homes and affected differently by this pandemic Covid-19, God still cares about us, He has already given us a solution, and the solution lies in our hands, we have the light within us, the hope is with us, but the problem is that we don't see it, we are not using it.

What has God placed in our hands? Are we even seeing the solution or our eyes are so blinded OR Are we just hiding away the solution?

God calls you and me to shine our light, to use the equipment He has already given us, however  small or broken they are, to spread God's word to bring light in such a dark world for His glory. 

You might say, hey, what can I do to this world wide pandemic, the much I can do is  just follow the government's rules and quarantine myself, I can just offer a prayer, give some food stuff, lend a helping hand, spread some hope, call and check up on someone.

Yes, any thing we do to help stop the spread of this disease is beneficial, it can go a long way in helping someone. If we all go out of our ways and use what we have in our hands, this world would be a really better place.

We've got it in the inside of us we are already equiped for God's good work, let's seek Him in this; to open our eyes and show us what is in our hands, to have boldness and wisdom in the execution of what is right and finally, have a lasting solution in our lives because He created us with the solution and there is nothing that is too difficult for Him not even Corona.
