Joy Unconditional - The fruit

I have lately found myself having this prayer, God please help me learn how to have un-conditional joy.

What does that even mean? Should we ignore pain and hurt and just be happy always? Let's find out.

Hallo there, Happy new month of May 😊😊 and welcome back to my blog 🙏

"Unconditional joy" is  a type of joy that is not defined by my present circumstances or by feelings. 

The bible says "Rejoice in The Lord always" not just when everything is working or when I have a reason to be joyful, but always, even those times when I don't see a reason to be happy.

You see, this type of joy is not just happiness, it's also not external, it's internal, stored deep in our hearts coming from God who keeps on renewing it.

Did you know that you may be happy and lack Joy and you may also have joy and not be happy at that time? Yes.

I feel like Joy has more depth than happiness. 

Take a second and reflect, currently are you happy or joyful?

To answer your question, please think of this, is your current joy coming from God or from this world, situations, money, things, people etc? Because the joy of this world (happiness) is short-lived, it's very conditional and it's limited.

Let's just be clear here and say that this Joy is not about ignoring sadness or pain, no, it's a type of joy that says, despite the pain, am not bitter, I have this Joy and peace that I can't even explain.

Only in The Lord do we find un-conditional Joy which is not defined by situations and it has no limits.

This type of joy is spiritual and it happens when we are connected to God as our source.

It's a fruit that walks hand in hand with Faith and peace.  It's also a deliberate choice... we've got to want it, to have it.

Therefore, let's make this choice today, that we'll seek God to give us this joy-unconditional, that no matter the situation, we will rejoice always, holding fast to His promises and His joy (The Joy of The Lord) is going to be our strength.
